Conferences and Symposiums

International Conference on Translating and Interpreting China with a Pre-conference Workshop

International Symposium on Eco-Mobilities: Kinopolitics and Kinopoetics in the Anthropocene

International Conference on Translating and Interpreting China with a Pre-conference Workshop

 The Third HKBU International Conference on Interpreting (in Hybrid Mode)

Understanding Wikipedia’s Dark Matter: Translation and Multilingual Practice in the World’s Largest Online Encyclopaedia (Online Conference)

The Second HKBU International Conference on Interpreting: Cognitive Approaches (Online Conference)

Translating and Interpreting on Political Discourse (TIPD 2019)

The 2nd Symposium on Cross-Cultural Identity and Identity Reconstruction
History and Stories of Overseas Chinese Returnees in the 20th Century
Featured Talks on TDK & the Role of Chinese in Indonesian Nation Building

A Distinguished Panel Series on Contemporary Chinese Cultures and Interculturalism: Disseminating Yan Lianke’s The Four Books

A Distinguished Panel Series on Contemporary Chinese Cultures and Interculturalism: Translating Pema Tseden: A Symposium

A Distinguished Panel Series on Contemporary Chinese Cultures and Interculturalism: Critical Paradigms of Chinese Cinemas: A Workshop

6th IATIS International Conference – Translation and Cultural Mobility

The Anthropocene and Contemporary Chinese Cultures: An International Workshop

The Anthropocene and Contemporary Chinese Cultures: An International Workshop

Date: 5 January 2018

Steering Committee for Contemporary Chinese Cultures and the Anthropocene Research Consortium
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, HKBU
Academy of Film, HKBU
Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, HKBU
Department of Music, HKBU
Centre for Translation, HKBU

1st Hong Kong Baptist University International Conference on Interpreting & “The Interpreter’s One Hundred Years of Solitude: Between History and Memory” Exhibition

Cross-Cultural Identity and Identity Reconstruction: History and Stories of Overseas Chinese Returnees in the 20th Century
A Symposium cum Book Launch of Zhang Maorong’s Overseas Chinese Trilogy and the Issuance of Bound Volumes of Indonesia Focus (Issues 1-50) and Harian InHua (CD-ROM)

Cross-Cultural Identity and Identity Reconstruction: History and Stories of Overseas Chinese Returnees in the 20th Century
A Symposium cum Book Launch of Zhang Maorong’s Overseas Chinese Trilogy and the Issuance of Bound Volumes of Indonesia Focus (Issues 1-50) and Harian InHua (CD-ROM)

Date: 17 October 2016

Hong Kong Qiao You Association
Hong Kong Society for Indonesian Studies
The Life Cultural Fund Organization
Centre for Translation and Translation Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University

Researching Collaborative Translation: An International Symposium (2016 ARTIS EVENT@HKBU)

Literature and Locale: “An International Symposium on the Literary Works of Jia Pingwa” and “A FIVE Cornered Conversation”

The Fourth Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication: Impacts and Perspectives

The Fourth Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication: Impacts and Perspectives

Date: 8-10 July 2011

Organizers: Centre for Translation and Translation Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University

Keynote speakers:
Xu Jun (許鈞), Deputy Director of the Graduate School, Nanjing University, PRC
Zhong Weihe (仲偉合), President of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Mao Sihui (毛思慧), Chairperson of the Committee of English Teaching and Research and Director of the Bell Centre of English, Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau
Yang Cheng-shu (楊承淑), Professor, Graduate Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Hui-zung Perng (彭輝榮), Professor & Dean of College of Arts, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Eugene Eoyang (歐陽楨), Professor Emeritus of Humanities, English, and General Education at Lingnan University and also Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature and of East Asian Languages & Cultures at Indiana University

Other speakers:
Zhuang Zhixiang (莊智象), Director and Chief Editor, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press
Yang Ping (楊平), Vice-Chief Editor, Chinese Translators Journal

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