As the demand for professional translation and related services grows in our ever more interconnected world, universities are coming under pressure from different quarters to respond effectively. In this seminar, I shall outline a systematic approach to curricular design to take into account not only the requirements of the language service industry and the market, but also those of other essential stakeholders, in an attempt to offer a roadmap for localized and contextualized curricular design. In the initial presentation, the various steps necessary and the different constraints imposed by local conditions, regulations and customs will be analysed with examples from countries around the world.
About the Speaker:
Dorothy Kelly is a professor of Translation at the University of Granada (Spain), where she has also been Vice Rector for Internationalization since 2008. She obtained her B.A. in Translating and Interpreting at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (Scotland), and her doctoral degree from the University of Granada. Her main research interests are translator training, directionality in translation, and intercultural competence, all areas in which she has published extensively. She has combined this research activity over the years with intense international involvement, coordinating international mobility and joint degree programmes, as well as studies into the impact of mobility on intercultural competence and the learning environment. She is co-editor with María González Davies of Routledge’s Interpreter and Translator Trainer, the only indexed journal devoted specifically to translator education, and has also been editor of the Translation Practices Explained series at St Jerome. She was a member of the European Master’s in Translation Expert Group appointed by the Directorate General for Translation at the European Commission. As Vice Rector she was a member of Spain’s national Bologna Experts Team until 2013, and was the Chair of the Executive Board of the Coimbra Group of Universities from 2010 until 2017.