The present study strives to provide a general framework of translatological dictionary studies from the perspective of text linguistics by discussing the intimate relationship between translatological dictionary studies and text linguistics studies, the characteristics of translatological dictionary, the theoretical basis of translatological dictionary as text, and the seven textual criteria and translatological dictionary as text so as to investigate translatological dictionary comprehensively and systematically and further promote translation studies as a whole. In this paper, this author mainly points out the following points: (1) translatological dictionary can be considered as text; (2) this type of specialized dictionary has its own characteristics; (3) translatological dictionary as text is different from other types of texts; (4) text linguistics perspective can act as a platform, on which insights from other disciplines can be drawn in.
About the Speaker:
Fan Min, a Ph.D student in Shandong University in China, is currently doing research at the Centre for Translation of the Hong Kong Baptist University for her research topic sponsored by Shandong University. She has published some articles in both English and Chinese on translation criticism, poetry translation and translatological dictionary studies. She has also published translations of translation theory and translatological dictionary studies. Her research areas mainly include translation studies, translatological dictionary studies and text linguistics studies.