作者試圖以後現代和後殖民批評中的一對核心概念普遍性 (universality) 與差異性 (difference) 為切入點,以蜜雪兒‧福柯的權力話語理論為理論基礎,利用後殖民批評中的差異性的話語以及「東方主義」、「民族主義」、「雜合理論」等不同理論視角,依次對翻譯活動中譯者對原語文化中不同文本的選擇以及對待原語文本中差異性的態度以及處理方法的背後動因進行考察,並由此來揭示文化之間地位和權力的差異以及譯者所屬的目的語文化相對與原語文化地位差異對翻譯活動和譯學構建產生的影響,對披上普遍性外衣而被當作普世文化大力推廣的西方的語言、文化和思想提出了質疑,對為了追求文化的「純潔性」而對其他文化的差異性採取排斥態度的文化部落主義也進行了反思,進而對在翻譯活動或是譯學構建中表現出來的各種形態的本族文化中心主義(文化霸權主義、狹隘的民族主義等)進行抨擊。
About the Speaker:
Sun Huijun, female, born in the year of 1967, is presently an associate professor of the English Department of PLA Foreign Languages Institute. She was enrolled into the English Department of PLA Foreign Languages Institute in the year of 1986 as an English major, and got her bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature in 1990. After graduation, she taught in the department for one year before working towards her master’s degree in the same Institute and got her MA in the year of 1994. Five years later, that is, in the year of 1999, she became a doctoral candidate in the College of Foreign Languages of Nanjing University, and now has got her PhD after three years of study there. Her academic interest is Translation Studies. The major papers she has written during the past several years are mostly written in Chinese.