Research Fellow
Email: janicepan@hkbu.edu.hk
Phone: (+852) 3411 2259
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0341-9953
Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55459107800
- Academy Director of Language and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, HKBU
- Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, HKBU
- President, Hong Kong Translation Society (HKTS)
- Review Editor, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer
- Managing Editor, Bandung: Journal of the Global South
- ife Member & Chair – International Relations, Hong Kong Association of University Woman (HKAUW)
- Academic Consultant, Hong Kong Society for Indonesian Studies (HKSIS)
Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Interpreting & Translation Studies, City University of Hong Kong
- MA in English Language & Literature (Interpreting Studies), Shanghai International Studies University
- BA in Foreign Trade English, Jiangsu University
I taught interpreting and translation at City University of Hong Kong, Hang Seng Management College, Jiangsu University, etc., before joining Hong Kong Baptist University. I am now teaching interpreting (consecutive interpreting and conference interpreting) and (co-)supervising translation and interpreting projects/dissertations at BA, MA and PhD levels at HKBU.
Major Teaching Areas
Consecutive Interpreting (Putonghua/Cantonese and English), Simultaneous Interpreting (Putonghua/Cantonese and English), ConferenceInterpreting (Putonghua/Cantonese and English), Translation Workshop, Practical Translation (Chinese and English), Linguistics for Translators, etc.
Teaching Grants/Projects
- Translation Workshop: A Service-Learning Course, Service-Learning Mini-Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University (Oct 2018 – Jan 2019 & Sept 2019 – present)
- Bridging the Gap Between Classroom Activities and Real-life Practice: Authentic Learning for University Interpreting Students, Teaching Development Grants, Hong Kong Baptist University (TDG/1516/06) (Jul 2016 – Aug 2017) (Teaching videos relevant to the project: http:/hkbutube.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/teach/tran3025.html)
Journal Articles
- Pan, J. (2019). The pragmatics of political discourse: An analytical framework and a comparative study of policy speeches in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. Bandung: Journal of the Global South. 6 (2), 252-284.
- Pan, J., & Wong, T. M. (2019). Developing pragmatic competence in Chinese–English political retour Interpreting: A corpus-driven exploratory study of pragmatic markers. InTRAlinea Special Issue: New Insights into Translator Training. URL: http://www.intralinea.org/archive/article/2415.
- Pan, J., & Wong, T. M. (2018). A corpus-driven study of contrastive markers in Cantonese‒English political interpreting. BRAIN –Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9 (2), 168-176. URL: https://www.edusoft.ro/brain/index.php/brain/article/view/816/945.
- Pan, J., Wang, H. H., & Yan, X. J. (2017). Convergences and divergences between studies on translator training and interpreter training: Findings from a database of English journal articles. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 29(1), 110–
- Pan, J. (2016). Linking classroom exercises to real-life practice: A case of situated simultaneous interpreting learning. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 10(1), 107–132.
- Yan, J. X., Pan, J., & Wang, H. H. (2015). Studies on translator and interpreter training: a data-driven review of journal articles 2000–12. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 9(3), 263–286.
- Yan, J. X., Pan, J., Wu, H., & Wang, Y. (2013). Mapping interpreting studies: The state of the field based on a database of nine major translation and interpreting journals (2000–2010). Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 21(3), 446–473.
- Pan, J., & Yan, J. X. (2012). Learner variables and problems perceived by students: An investigation of a college interpreting program in China. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 20(2), 199–218.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
- Yan, J. X., Pan, J., & Wang, H. H. (2018). Research on Translator and Interpreter Training – A collective volume of bibliometric reviews and empirical studies on learners (1st ed). Series: New Frontiers in Translation Studies, Series Ed. by D. Li. Singapore: Springer.
- Pan, J. (2018). Linking classroom exercises to real-life practice: A case of situated simultaneous interpreting learning. In M. González-Davies, & V. E. Raído (Eds.), Situated Learning in Translator and Interpreter Training (pp. 107-132). London: Routledge.
- Yan, J. X., Pan, J., Wu, H., & Wang, Y. (2017). Mapping interpreting studies: The state of the field based on a database of nine major translation and interpreting journals (2000–2010). In R. A. Valden (Ed.), Chinese Translation Studies in the 21st Century: Current trends and emerging perspectives (pp. 192-219). London: Routledge.
- Pan, J., & Wang, H. H. (2012). Investigating the nature of the semi-natural interpretation: A case study. In M. A. Jiménez Ivars & M. J. Blasco Mayor (Eds.), Interpreting Brian Harris: Recent developments in translatology (pp. 77–94). Switzerland: Perter Lang.
- Pan, J., & Yan, J. X. (2011). On Brian Harris’ “Natural Translation” theory and its implications for translation studies and translation teaching. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, (3), 65–68.
- Pan, J. (2010). Professionalization or deprofessionalization? A review of interpretation surveys in metropolitan cities in China and their indication in interpreter training. Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, (3), 68–71.
- Pan, J. (2021). “A Free Verse of Food”. In Gillian Bickley & Verner Bickley (Eds), Mingled Voices 5: The International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2020 (Proverse Poetry Prize Anthologies) (Volume 5), pp. 150, 244, 288-289. Hong Kong: Proverse. (A reading of “A Free Verse of Food”: https://youtu.be/OlKGvyGYXrY)
- Pan, J. (2020). “We Are Plastic – Twelfth Night”, “We Are Plastic – Macbeth” & “We Are Plastic – The Tempest”. In Gillian Bickley & Verner Bickley (Eds), Mingled Voices 4: The International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2019 (Proverse Poetry Prize Anthologies) (Volume 4), pp. 92-96. Hong Kong: Proverse. (A reading of “We Are Plastic – The Tempest”: https://youtu.be/HnwA-K99Ovg)
- Pan, J. (2020). “The Call”. In Gillian Bickley & Verner Bickley (Eds), Mingled Voices 4: The International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2019 (Proverse Poetry Prize Anthologies) (Volume 4), pp. 97. Hong Kong: Proverse.
- Pan, J. (2019). “Escape – Overture”, “Escape –Nocturne”, “Escape –Pastorale” & “Escape –Cadence”. In Gillian Bickley & Verner Bickley (Eds), Mingled Voices 3: The International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2018 (Proverse Poetry Prize Anthologies) (Volume 3), pp.106-111, pp. 199-200. Hong Kong: Proverse. (A reading of “Escape – Overture”: https://youtu.be/34TvL5paMME)
- Pan, J. (2018). “Farewell, D!” In Gillian Bickley & Verner Bickley (Eds), Mingled Voices 2: The International Proverse Poetry Prize Anthology 2017 (Proverse Poetry Prize Anthologies) (Volume 2), p. 85, p152, & pp 186-187. Hong Kong: Proverse. (A reading of “Farewell, D!”: https://youtu.be/OT0s3xAIM4o [24:01-24:47])
Online Corpora
Pan, J. (2019). The Chinese/English Political Interpreting Corpus (CEPIC). Hong Kong Baptist University Library, Accessible from https://digital.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/cepic/ [Launched on 20 June 2019]. (a 6.5-million-word online corpus, including a link to relevant publications https://sites.google.com/a/hkbu.edu.hk/cepic-the-chinese-english-political-interpreting-corpus/home/publications)
Research Interests
Corpus-based translation/interpreting studies, political discourse and translation/interpreting, digital scholarships, learner factors & situated learning in interpreter training, bibliometric research in translation/interpreting studies, professionalism in translation/interpreting, translation/interpreting & political discourse, etc.
Selected Research Projects (in capacity of PI)
- Investigating the Chinese and English language proficiency of tertiary students in Hong Kong: Perspectives from the Hong Kong subset of the Multilingual Student Translation Corpus, Research and Development Projects 2018-19, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (EDB(LE)/P&R/EL/175/3) (Sep 2018 – present)
- Competence development in student translators and interpreters: A Corpus-based study of lexical cohesion, General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (12611717) (Jan 2018 – Dec 2019)
- The Use of Pragmatic Markers in Chinese-English Political Interpreting: A Corpus- oriented Study, Faculty Research Grant Category II, Hong Kong Baptist University (FRG2/17-18/046) (Jun 2018 – May 2019)
- The Chinese-English Political Interpreting Corpus (CEPIC): An Online Corpus for the Study of Interpreted Political Speeches, Digital Scholarship Grant, Hong Kong Baptist University (Mar 2018 – Sep 2019)
- Interpreting into the B language: A corpus-oriented study of pragmatic markers in interpreted political speeches from Chinese to English, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grants Council (22608716) (Jan 2017 – Dec 2018)
- Interpreting learning motivation in Hong Kong university students, Faculty Research Grant Category II, Hong Kong Baptist University (FRG2/14-15/052) (Jul 2015 –Aug 2016)
- Review Editor, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (2019 – present)
- Member, Board of Reviewers, Journal of Translator Education and Translation Training (2016 – present)
- Managing Editor, Bandung: Journal of the Global South (2014 – present)
- Reviewer, Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice (formerly, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology), Journal of Translation Studies, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, Translation, Cognition & Behavior, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Meta: Translators’ Journal, etc.
- Academic Consultant, Hong Kong Society for Indonesian Studies (2020 – present)
- Chair – International Relations, Hong Kong Association of University Women (2019 – present)
- Honorary Secretary, Hong Kong Translation Society (2018 – present)
- Member, Steering Committee, International Writers’ Workshop, HKBU (2018 – present)
- Director, M.A. Programme in Translation and Bilingual Communication, HKBU (2016 – 2019)
- Provided interpreting services for clients including the Hong Kong Strategic Planning Office and Faculty of Education Studies, Phoenix Satellite TV, Hong Kong Society for Indonesian Studies, Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, the Macao Museum of Art, Shanghai Swiss Centre, IDEO, Nokia, Sisco, P& G, Pepsi, 3M, Kodak, TetraPak, Asia Insight, Camera di Commercio Italiana, Evzoniki S.A., etc.