Register and Pay via BEA

    Personal Information

    Title (Choose One) *

    Last name *

    First name *

    Affiliation *

    Address Line 1*

    Address Line 2

    Address Line 3

    Region/Country (Choose One) *

    E-mail *

    Contact number *

    Conference presenter *
    ('Non-presenter' refers to participants who do not have any submissions accepted by the conference and will attend only as listeners. Co-authors of a paper must register as presenters if they plan to attend the conference, regardless of whether they will be presenting or not.)

    Student *
    ('Student' must be a student or a PhD candidate at the time of registration.)

    Student ID number *

    Upload student ID card *
    (File should only be in jpg or png format, and file size must be smaller than 2MB.)


    Hong Kong Translation Society member *
    (Hong Kong Translation Society member must be individuals with valid membership in Hong Kong Translation Society (HKTS).)

    Member ID number *




    Conference/Workshop (Choose One) *

    Conference/Workshop (Choose One) *

    Conference/Workshop (Choose One) *

    Conference/Workshop (Choose One) *

    Conference/Workshop (Choose One) *

    Conference/Workshop (Choose One) *


    Dinner for Conference and Workshop participants *


    Payment Summary

    Registration fee
    Total Payable (HK$)


    Terms of Acceptance *

    • All fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
    • No refund or partial refund will be made if a presenter/participant does not attend any or all events, or if any or all events are cancelled.
    • Payment will be charged in Hong Kong Dollars.
    • After clicking the "Submit" button, you will be re-directed to the payment gateway where you can submit your payment details. If the system does not respond, or you are not sure if your registration/payment is successful, please contact before registering for the conference again. Duplicated payment charged is non-refundable and non-transferable.

    After clicking the "Submit" button and being successfully re-directed to the payment gateway, you have 15 minutes to complete the payment details before the system times out.

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