**Resources & References** (changes may be made to the contents by the workshop leader)
Talk: Overview of Digital Research Methods in the Arts and Humanities
This talk will explore how digital research methods can be adopted in translation studies research and teaching in order to collect, prepare, analyze, visualize and present research data. It will begin by critically discussing digital tools and their strengths and weaknesses for humanities research in general, and translation studies research in particular. Next, to better contextualize how digital tools could be incorporated into humanities research, this talk will review existing and potential research projects that have adopted digital tools, paying particular attention to the methodological approaches adopted in each project. Finally, this talk will conclude with some considerations for how digital tools could be gradually adopted by researchers with different levels of technological expertise and incorporated into pedagogical practice.
Workshop/Session 1: Organizing, Managing, and Archiving Research Data
This workshop will discuss data organization, project management and data archiving research data using digital tools. We will brainstorm about workflow practices for different contexts, such as collecting and storing multimedia data, text data and structured datasets. Guiding principles for data management, such as FAIR and CARE, will be presented as part of a larger discussion of metadata. Finally, we will explore some examples of web presentations for research data and consider why and how researchers might want to archive or present their data online.
Tools that could be explored:
- Trello (Trello.com)
- Zotero (zotero.org)
- WordPress (wordpress.org)
Workshop/Session 2: Visualizing Qualitative Data
This workshop will provide an overview of the contexts in which qualitative visualizations might be created, including to depict decisions and processes, to visualize concepts and theories, to visualize text, to depict relationships, to compare and contrast variables, to depict changes over time and to show geographic and spatial details. Examples of visualizations and best design practices will be discussed in a participatory format. While the focus will be on translation studies, the examples will be relevant to humanities research in general. The use of qualitative visualizations in the classroom will also be addressed.
Tools that could be explored:
- Data Visualizaton Catalogue (datavizcatalogue.com) and Text Visualization Browser (textvis.lnu.se)
- Flow Map (flowmap.blue)
- Voyant Tools (voyant-tools.org)
- Sutori (Sutori.com)
- MindMup (mindmup.com)
About the Workshop Leader:
Julie McDonough Dolmaya is Associate Professor and Chair of the School of Translation, York University. Her research interests centre around translation in digital spaces, with a particular focus on crowdsourcing. Her Wikipedia-related research has explored issues such as linguistic justice, revision practices, and translator motivations within the Wikipedia community. With Minako O’Hagan, she co-edits Digital Translation: International Journal of Translation and Localization, published biannually by John Benjamins. Her book, Digital Research Methods for Translation Studies, will be published by Routledge in December 2023.
Workshop Moderators:
Dr. Catherine HARDIE (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Dr. Clara Chuan YU (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Registration (closed):
Registration is required to join this Workshop. As seats are limited, registration will end when all seats are filled. Upon successful registration, participants should receive a confirmation email.
Lunch will be provided for successfully registered participants.
with Dr. Julie McDonough Dolmaya