Mona Baker (Prof.)

Professor Mona Baker 

Academic Director, Translation Research Summer School (TRSS)
Tutor, International Research School for Media Translation and Digital Culture (MTDC)

Mona Baker is Affiliate Professor at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) at the University of Oslo, co-cordinator of the Genealogies of Knowledge Research Network, and Honorary Dean of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpreting, Beijing Foreign Studies University. She is a recipient of the 2015 Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences Award in the field of Arts and Languages, Studies in Foreign Languages and Literatures, and honoree of the 2011 Fifth Session of Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Award for Translation, for contributions to the field of translation. Baker is author of In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation (third edition 2018) and Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account (2006; Classics edition 2018), co-author (with Eivind Engebretsen) of Rethinking Evidence in the Time of Pandemics: Scientific vs Narrative Rationality and Medical Knowledge Practicesand editor of Translating Dissent: Voices from and with the Egyptian Revolution (2016; winner of the Inttranews Linguists of the Year award for 2015), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (third edition 2020, co-edited with Gabriela Saldanha), Critical Concepts: Translation Studies (4 volumes, Routledge, 2009), and Critical Readings in Translation Studies (Routledge, 2010).  She is also a founding co-editor of Encounters in Translation. Her articles have appeared in a wide range of international journals, including Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Social Movement StudiesCritical Studies on TerrorismSocial Semiotics, The Translator and Target. She posts on translation, citizen media and Palestine on her personal website and tweets at @MonaBaker11.

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