As a consequence of the dominant sense of centralizing government and management and power, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) had only one periodical that was officially circulated during her initial 29 years (1949-1977) for publication of literary works in Chinese translation. Based upon his inquiry into the published works in periodical as well as the political history of China in the 3 decades, this author attempts to discuss briefly the issues as follows: 1) Why only one periodical on Mainland China within nearly 3 decades? 2) What fundamental roles was it supposed to play and what roles did it play then? 3) Any significant changes during the 30 years, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s? 4) What major works did it publish? 5) What chief modes did she operate in choosing the works or writers to translate? What significant changes in the course of bringing the chosen writers to its readers?
About the Speaker:
王友貴,中國四川省成都人,復旦大學中文系比較文學博士,現任廣東外語外貿大學英語語言文化學院教授,英語語言文學博士項目負責人,廣東省人文社科基地”外國文學文化研究中心”研究員,廣東外語外貿大學”外國語言文學”一級學科博士後站導師。曾先後赴美國康奈爾大學(Cornell University, USA)、英國蘭開斯特大學(Lancaster University, UK)、英國劍橋大學(Cambridge University, UK)學習。目前從事20世紀中國翻譯文學史、中國翻譯史、翻譯家研究、英國文學研究。教學方面,先後擔任”英語散文閱讀欣賞”、”喬伊斯專題”、”文學翻譯”等課程;學術研究方面,主要論文有《從數位出發看中外關係、中外文學關係裏的翻譯關係》、《中國翻譯的贊助問題》、《意識形態與20世紀中國翻譯文學史:1899-1979》、《中國翻譯傳統研究:從轉譯到從原文譯(1949-1999)》、《為芬尼根守靈:語言碎片裏的政治》、《喬伊斯小說裏的聲音》、”Translations of the Century: A Close Reading of the Two Chinese Versions of Ulysses”, in James Joyce Quarterly(vol.36, No.2, 1999, USA)等50餘篇;主要學術著作有《翻譯家周作人》、《翻譯家魯迅》、《翻譯西方與東方》、《喬伊斯評論》等,新著《中國20世紀翻譯文學史論稿:1949-1999》已完成初稿,正在對其作進一步修改;主要譯著有劇作《流亡者》(喬伊斯著)、《掌權者》(The Power That Be, 合譯)、《歐‧亨利短篇小說精選》(合譯)等6種。在已出版的專著中,《喬伊斯評論》獲”全國第六屆優秀外國文學圖書獎”三等獎(2003年9月);在已發表的論文中,翻譯研究論文《意識形態與20世紀中國翻譯文學史:1899-1979》2004年獲香港”宋淇翻譯研究獎提名獎”。